Tuesday, October 24, 2006

How is your stash?

I am in the process of sorting out my stash of yarns and I just wondered if mine is worse than anyone elses?

I have the double wardrobe full of complete packets of wool and the shelves and floor with loads of half used cones of wool.

Is this a bit obsessive?

Or are there others out there with similar stashes?

I am in the process of sewing up various projects which were knitted but not made up so that I can get to the ironing board once again. (photos to follow) and I have promised myself never to move on to the next project again before I have completely finished the last one.


Susan said...

Just found your blog through the UKnitters webring. How are you getting on with your machines? There aren't many machine knitting blogs out there so it's nice to find one for a change.

Anonymous said...

You stash is about right, eh? I came to say Welcome!, having just received my first edition of Machine Knitter's Monthly, but being a non-Beta blogger has made posting the greeting impossible. You can drop in on my blog at http://thestitchery.blogspot.com It's good to meet MKers in blogsphere

Mary Beth

Virginia Anne said...

Hi Susan. Well I knitted a nice cardi and the only problem that I have is doing the front bands. I am supposed to pick up along the front to centre back onto the machine and then knit a few rows and pick up the start to make a hem. But everytime I put all the stitches on the needles and do the first row...a nightmare of missed stitches ensues..so no finished cardi for me. I was dreaming about it last night..sad i know,,, when i thought I would try knitting off each stitch one by one by hand and then re threading the carraige to get a good start. Your thoughts please!!

Virginia Anne said...

Hi Mary Beth,
I will pop into your blog now!

picperfic said...

your stash is very impressive, I have recently sorted mine into bin liners of various yarns. I am a bit scared of mine, I don't know where to put it!

Sweetpea4kids said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. Thank you for having a stash as bad as mine, I thought I was crazy.

rhona said...

Hi, just typed in 'lace carriage problem' and your blog site looked the most promising. I haven't even got as far as anything about a lace carriage because the picture of your hoard of wool crammed in the wardrobe and beyond made me laugh, I am not alone! I bought a secondhand knitmaster 360k a few months ago, only having handknitted all my life, and I have become completely obsessed. I am finding there isn't much info. available, or there is but I haven't sourced it yet. Anyway, I look forward to reading the rest of your site, bye for now, Rhona

Heldasland said...

your stash looks amazing

Virginia Anne said...

Hi Susan,

well I have signed up for a course on the passap with metropolitan in the uk. It is a correspondence course.
I bought some Barbara Stubbs training videos off ebay for the 580 and I have just knitted a top for me on it...bit cobbly cobbly in places but not bad..
I did follow a pattern to knit a nice cardi with scalloped adges that was featured in machine knitting monthly but unfortunatley it turned out...the wrong size..that'll teach me..so I have invested in a knitradar
( secondhand off ebay, of course) and once I had taken the excess ease oout of the draft it fitted like a dream. I have loads of partial cones that I got when i bought my machines, and a sleeveless top just works out fine out of 2 bits of 2/30 cones.

Virginia Anne said...

Hi Mary Beth,

how are you getting on with your magazine? Made anything good lately. I shall be posting pics soon.

Virginia Anne said...

Picperfic, I just read your profile and it is weird but it could have been mine except for camera stuff...rod stewart, chris rea..yea we are mad...

Virginia Anne said...

Rhona, how is your lace carraige? Made anything good? I must use mine again..I found I HAD TO PUT A SLITHER OF CIGARETTE PACKET UNDER THE CARRIAGE SCREWS TO MAKE IT KNIT NICELY.. Only thing is we have both given up smoking for 9 months now!!

Louise said...

Very jealous of your yarn stash, I must try harder to catch up. Great to find a blog that includes machine knitting too.

Best wishes


on the needle said...

Hello... found you through UKnitters. I make those sort of promises all the time... never seem to keep them though:) To be honest I think you stash defeats mine, but its nice to know I'm not the only one with a stash taking over the house.

https://indoorplantspotsanddoilies.blogspot.com/ said...

Your stash is huge and you're very organised! plastic covering a good idea. I really must organise mine.
Cool blog name